In searching of the best services or close to it from the companies that sell water and Ice, we have been doing some research about the way they work with the selling of the water and the ice, we ended up with the conclusion that most of those companies are not doing a Good work with it for our community, they are making many people sick because those companies are not taking Good care of the quality of the water, which we pretend to make concious about the proceeds they need to follow to increased the water and ice quality.
Ice and water the Canada is a water plant of processing and production of ice which it is worked up in with the best organization of the market, his process of osmosis, has been in catalogued and pass mark for experts like one of better. This plant his production possesses modern machineries for eficientizar, and offering the public consumer an efficient service.
Ice and water Canada this located on the street Duarte #2 Brisas of Caucedo, Andrés Boca Chica, Republica Dominicana. They can get water here to very low price and treated by means of his great system of osmosis. Also they can buy his ice cases, wholesale and retail. The cases are priced at 25 pesos, and it can decrease depending the quantity, and water to 15 weights for large bottle.
In order to contact this company for distributors, buyers, and the consumers of ice and water can knock at telephones:
Ice and water Canada this located on the street Duarte #2 Brisas of Caucedo, Andrés Boca Chica, Republica Dominicana. They can get water here to very low price and treated by means of his great system of osmosis. Also they can buy his ice cases, wholesale and retail. The cases are priced at 25 pesos, and it can decrease depending the quantity, and water to 15 weights for large bottle.
In order to contact this company for distributors, buyers, and the consumers of ice and water can knock at telephones: